Rhan o'r gauaf du aeth heibio

(Dechrau Oedfa. Llwyddiant yr Efengyl.)
Rhan o'r gauaf du aeth heibio,
  Daeth y  nefol hyfryd hâf;
'Fengyl Iesu sydd yn llwyddo
  Llwyddiant rhagor gweled caf;
'R adar mân sy'n dechreu canu,
  Mwy peraidd canant cyn b'o hîr;
Pan ddêl Iesu i deyrnasu
  Dros y môr a thros y tir.

Tyred Arglwydd, tyr'd yn fuan
  Rho'n fwy helaeth ôl dy law;
Awel hyfryd
    dy Lân Yspryd
  Chwytho fywyd yma â thraw:
Gwael drueiniaid, gwna i glywed
  Dy efengyl yn ei grym,
Ne's bo cynnwrf
    trwy'r holl wledydd
  Prawf o'th hedd
      a'th gleddyf llym.

Tafl O Arglwydd rwyd d'efengyl
  Am rai pechauriaid mawr;
Sydd yn troi at hon eu gwegil
  Heb erioed eu torri lawr:
Fel segurwyr yn y farchnad
  Heb ddansio na galaru chwaith;
O cyfloga hwy a'th alwad,
  I'r winllân bellach at eu gwaith.

De'wch blant bychain,
    da yw'ch gweled
  Ar y drydydd awr o'ch dydd;
De'wch Oh! ieungctyd ar y chweched
  I'r winllan galwad i chwi sydd.
De'wch rhai eraill ar y nawfed,
  Cyn yr elo hi'n brydnhawn;
De'wch hen bobl cyn ddeuddegfed
  Hi aeth yn ddiweddar iawn!
John Thomas 1730-1804?
Diferion y Cyssegr 1802

gwelir: Arglwydd llwydda dy efengyl

(The Start of a Service. The Success of the Gospel.)
Part of the black winter has passed,
  The delightful heavenly summer has come;
The gospel of Jesus is succeeding
  Further success I shall get to see;
The small birds are beginning to sing,
  More sweetly they shall sing before long;
When Jesus comes to reign
  Over the sea and over the land.

Come, Lord, come soon
  Give more widely the mark of thy hand;
May the delightful breeze
    of thy Holy Spirit
  Blow life here and there:
Poor sinners, make to hear
  Thy gospel in its force,
Until there be a commotion
    throughout all the lands
  An experience of thy peace
      and thy sharp sword.

Cast, O Lord, the net of thy gospel
  For some great sinners;
Who are turning to it their neck
  Without ever bending them down:
Like those idle in the market
  Neither dancing nor lamenting either;
O hire them with thy call,
  To the vineyard now to their work.

Come ye little children,
    good it is to see you
  At the third hour of your day;
Come, O ye youth at the sixth
  To the vineyard there is to you a call.
Come, ye others, at the ninth,
  Before it becomes evening;
Come ye old people before the twelfth
  It has become very late!
cyf. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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